Monday 3 August 2015

Obama's day: Climate change, Africa, ambassadors

President Obama opens the week Monday by speaking to young leaders from Africa, announcing a new climate change plan, and welcoming new ambassadors from other nations.

In the morning, Obama holds a town hall at a summit of young Africans who are participating in a fellowship program honoring Nelson Mandela.

"The three-day summit will bring together 500 of sub-Saharan Africa's most promising young leaders to meet with the President and leading U.S.

entrepreneurs, government officials, and civil society representatives," says the White House schedule.

This afternoon, Obama will formally unveil his new Clean Power Plan, a set of new proposed restrictions on carbon emissions by power plants. The plan is part of a renewed push on climate change that Obama plans to make in the months ahead.

The president ends the day with a credentialing ceremony for new ambassadors.
"The presentation of credentials is a traditional ceremony that marks the formal beginning of an Ambassador's service in Washington," says the White House schedule.

Today's list:
-- Chum Bun Rong, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia;
-- David John Newman, Ambassador of the Republic of Botswana;
-- Mai Sayavongs, Ambassador of Lao People's Democratic Republic;
-- Sheikh Omar Faye, Ambassador of the Republic of The Gambia;
-- Elizabeth Darius Clarke, Ambassador of Saint Lucia;
-- Sooroojdev Phokeer, Ambassador of the Republic of Mauritius;
-- Carlos Alberto Gianelli Derois, Ambassador of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay;
-- Valerii Chalyi, Ambassador of Ukraine;
-- Ahmed Awad Ahmed bin Mubarak, Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen;
-- Juan Carlos Pinzon Bueno, Ambassador of the Republic of Colombia.

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